Event Recap: Taming the Data Dragon: Exploring the Critical Role of Data Governance in E-Discovery

Taming the Data Dragon: Exploring the Critical Role of Data Governance in E-Discovery

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Why care about data? All sectors are responding to an extraordinary surge of data, and it’s growing. Lindsey Tsai with Exterro referred to intelligence gathered by Gartner, Statista, and McKinsey that cited “in 2020, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created, consumed, and stored. By 2025, that number is expected to grow to 181 zettabytes”, which is nearly triple the amount of growth over a five-year period. To understand the magnitude of the zettabyte measurement, one zettabyte is approximately equal to 1 billion terabytes.

DGI brought together three experts to speak about what agencies need to look out for and how Exterro, through one platform, helps “thousands of legal teams, law firms, government, and law enforcement agencies across the world… manage their data risk requirements and automate processes, which remove silos typically present between legal, IT, and cybersecurity departments. All three spoke to:

  • Structured vs. unstructured data
  • “The Three V’s of Big Data”
  • InfoGov and E-Discovery best practices
  • Tips for responding under tight deadlines
  • How to build an effective and defensible data deletion program

Sponsor: Exterro

Registration for FISMA Training Closes Monday, September 11, 2023
