

DGI’s management team has more than 55 years of event and management experience.


Michael Smoyer, President

Michael is well known in the federal community for his enthusiastic support of continuing education in government. He started working with government communities back in 1989 while working on the FOSE show – the premiere Government IT event during that timeframe. Before joining Digital Government Institute in 2007 he was Vice President Conventions at Food Marketing Institute and Director Events for FCW Media Group.

As the President of DGI, he works with government communities of interest to identify topics and develop programs. Based on those relationships, Mike leads the production of 930gov, training, webinars, and all other DGI content.

Our History

Christina Nelson, a leader in government conference management, founded the Digital Government Institute in 1998, to convene conferences focused on educating government on technology.

Event programs were designed by advisory councils that included leaders in each field, to ensure the value of each topic and speaker to the audiences, to bring together government and industry in educational forums where ideas could be shared.


Digital Government Institute (DGI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

How to Earn CPE Credits for DGI Events

The number of available CPE credits for each DGI event is listed on the event web page. In order to receive CPE credits, attendees must fulfill all of these requirements:

  • Attend the entire program
  • Respond to all poll questions
  • Complete and submit the post-event survey

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based (all virtual workshops)
Delivery Method: Group Live (all 930gov-related conferences)
Recommended CPE Credits: Participants will earn 1 CPE credit for 50 minutes of participation
Field of Study: Information Technology

This photo tells our story . . .

DGI conference

. . . because it shows the members of a government technical community attending a typical Digital Government Institute conference program.

Attendees are highly engaged because it’s actually their event—designed with their input to focus solely on their interests.

We Support Communities of Interest

DGI events are developed by community of interest members or under the supervision of a community advisory group. They reflect the current concerns and interests of the communities DGI supports. Since DGI’s founding in 1998, we have been delivering substantial, practical, and useful information from recognized subject matter experts and practitioners. DGI curates focused events where community members gather to share their knowledge, challenges, and successes. Our role is to provide a venue, facilitate the conversation, and manage the details of staging in-person and virtual events that deliver value. This enables community members to focus on what is important: solving technical challenges and moving the mission forward.

930gov exhibits
DGI Event

Capture Relationships & New Opportunities

DGI provides a neutral third-party platform for government and industry thought leaders to collaborate and network in meaningful ways. We believe in substance over sales and work with our industry partners to create informative content and to provide practical solutions of interest to the government IT communities through webinars, training seminars, and conferences.

Registration for FISMA Training Closes Monday, September 11, 2023
