Building CX Business Case
All event times are U.S. Eastern time
- Mar 17 2022
- Expired!
- 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Technology has enabled customers to take control of the experience they want with service providers – whether it’s finding answers via a website, email, text, chatbot, or talking to a human. Government agencies need to keep up and adopt innovative ways to meet both citizen and employee desires. Creating exceptional customer experiences (CX) is so important it is the 2nd of three core priorities in the President’s Management Agenda – “Delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience.”
Moving forward, government agencies will need to build a CX business case demonstrating how a focus on CX will meet constituent needs and deliver measurable results. This complimentary virtual workshop will examine the key components of the CX business case, including identifying the business problems you are trying to solve and providing tangible results.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Mike Smoyer, President, Digital Government Institute
The Business Case for UX/CX: Measuring ROI
Amanda Damewood, Acting Director for UX, USCIS
The State of CX in Government: Importance of a Business Case
Dr. H Sam Coy, Solutions Consultant, Zendesk
Matt Hale, Solutions Consultant, Zendesk
Closing Comments
In order to receive CPE credit, attendees must fulfill all of these requirements:
- Attend the entire program
- Respond to all poll questions
- Complete and submit the post-event survey
Organizer Name